This policy deals with the way King Fahd Glorious Qur'an Printing Complex collects and receives personal information besides the information related to the way of using its products, publications and the ways of benefiting from its services.
Personal information: This includes the information related to you which distinguishes your identity; for example name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, or the information not available to the public.
The Glorious Qur'an Printing Complex protects your identity it collects through its websites according to its policy which is applicable to specify the identity of the individuals. Your using the Qur'an Printing Complex's websites is governed by the private policy and its particular preconditions of usage. That is why you are requested to read this policy with great care in order to understand how King Fahd Glorious Quran Printing Complex deals with the personal information it collects through its website.
Using one of the websites of the Complex means that you have agreed to the preconditions mentioned in this private policy, with the knowledge that the information sent from you may be handed over to other authorities of the Saudi government in case acceptance your request requires that. This will be done without consulting any party.
The Complex may request you to register your personal information (if needed ) when you want to participate in one of its Seminars or in any other activities. In the other sections of the website, the Complex may collect demographic information such as your state of residence, age , educational level, male or female, and so on. Sometimes it may request both kinds of information.
The Complex may need to collect information concerning your own Computer and its programming which may include for example the IP address, web browser, domain names, entering time, title of the electronic website references.
The Complex is particular about the accuracy in collecting and saving the information in order to make your repeated website visits more effective and specified.
King Fahd Glorious Quran Printing Complex may make use of the cookies (follow up register) in order to store visitors' interest, in addition to the particular register used to know the specific pages of the website visited. This helps the Complex to know the visitors' interest and their most favorable subjects in order to improve its services and cognitive contents in a more proper way.
The Complex does not reveal any of your information to others nor the personal information which are mixed up with the demographic information or particular information based on your using its websites such as the sections visited or services used. The following is exempt from this: The Complex has the right to reveal your personal information either to the companies or individuals who work with them or those who perform its job on its behalf, such as hosting services, data analysis, increasing marketing support etc. Based on this fact, these companies or individuals will be able to enter into your personal information – whenever it is needed – in order to perform their job related to the Complex.
The Complex has the right to reveal this information whenever it is legally obligatory or in case it has been asked by a governmental authority or if the Complex believes that this procedure is essential for the sake of the following:
(a) to conform to legal preconditions or to obey the legal procedures.
(b) to protect the right of the Complex.
(c) to prevent crime occurrence or to protect national security.
(d) to provide personal security for both users and the common people.
The Complex has the right to share the accumulated information of anonymous visitors with its partners and other parties in order to specify the kind of the visitors and the way they use these websites.
The Complex has the right to give your information to a contracting party which in turn has the right to collect the information on behalf of the Complex. The Complex employs trustworthy service presenters who undertake to provide suitable security procedures in order to guarantee proper protection. These outside parties are allowed to know exclusively your personal information in order to carry out the service as required in the contract.
The Complex is not responsible for any damages which the users of its websites may suffer, such as direct, private, accidental or any loss or expenditure incurred because of subsequent damages, misapplication, disability, failure of performance, errors, inattention, or any defect in working or on line connection and so on.
Only Saudi Arabian laws are applicable to any litigation that may arise due to the use of this website. Also only Saudi Arabian courts can look into such disputes and give decision on them.
All the contents of King Fahd Glorious Quran Printing Complex website including the texts, drawings, pictures, compiled information and address lists are owned by the Complex protected by Saudi Arabian and International legislations with the exception of some services, computer files, programming implements and so on which the Complex declares are for public use.
King Fahd Glorious Qur'an Printing Complex follows suitable technical, legal and organizational procedures to protect your personal information from any unauthorized users or illegal treatment or any accidental damages or destructions. The Complex does not guarantee that unauthorized outsiders will not breach these procedures or use your personal information for improper purposes.
The Complex reserves its right to amend the private policy from time to time and the amendments will be operative immediately after they have been published on its websites.
If the Complex makes any changes in the way of using personal information based on this private policy, you will be informed and you will be given an opportunity to explain your objection to any new or different usages. Instructions regarding the updating will be given at the top of the page titled "latest updating". Therefore visitors are requested to read the instructions to keep abreast of the latest update or amendments.
Your continued use of the websites of the Complex after any of its amendments means your acceptance of the same.
King Fahd Glorious Qur'an Printing Complex welcomes your remarks given - at any time - concerning this private policy. If you have any question about this private policy, you may contact the e-media unit in the Complex.